Saturday 18 February 2006

A Psalm written by a koala

God I cry out to You. You are Lord of Heaven and earth. I cannot live without You. I am nothing if not worthless without Christ. But in You there is strength that overcomes every weakness, agility to leap over the highest hurdle with such grace, those that witness it will marvel at the power behind it. That power comes from Your Spirit. You created me, and everything from the tiniest amoeba to the largest galaxy in the universe. And yet I am your daughter and there is sonship. You have given me gifts in abundance, and Your love for me is everlasting and unconditional. Your love drives out all fear. You are both a majestic King and a suffering servant. Your voice is so loud it could blow our minds, yet You whisper intimately to us. Your gift of faith can move mountains. You do the miraculous, yet subtlety work in the mundane. You are angry but calm. You counsel but are still in control. You are three in one. You are the only awesome God.

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